Hi, I'm Laura from YoungWritersWorkshops.com and I'm going to talk about how to write an invoice. An invoice is a document you're using, basically, to request payment so you want to be sure to include all of the necessary information, in order to get paid. An easy way, if you own a small business or a freelance worker of some sort, you want to create a template so that you can reuse this form each time, you won't have to start over from scratch and create a new document. In MicroSoft Word there are some templates available for invoices and those can offer a little bit of graphic image to go with your business so take a look at the templates in MicroSoft Word and set it up. You'll plug in your information, such as, your address, and name, and contact information, and phone number into the document, into the invoice template so that you'll have it there each time. The information that you need to customize for each invoice would include what the work was that was done, what the rate was and the total amount due. You'll probably include the clients information at the top and also assign a number to the invoice. Just to sum it up, use a template for your invoice so you won't have to recreate this information each time, include the work done, the rate and the amount due with an invoice number for your tracking. Those are some ways to write an invoice.
How to Write an Invoice
by Laura Minnigerode / in Science & education