Pinworms are a common parasitic infestation in the United States. These parasites infect the digestive tract , causing intense itching around the anus when they emerge to lay thousands of eggs at night. Itching spreads the infestation further and causes the affected host to reinfect themselves. It's easy to transmit pinworms and difficult to eliminate. Herbal, food-based remedies can help get rid of infestations, but only use them with a doctor's approval and in addition to a prescribed, medicinal remedy.



Increase your fibre intake during a pinworm infestation. Eating foods high in fibre helps strengthen the speed and efficiency of medicinal treatment and may help prevent reinfestation. Grains, raw vegetables and whole fruits are excellent sources of fibre. You can also take fibre supplements to help increase fibre intake.

  • Increase your fibre intake during a pinworm infestation.
  • Eating foods high in fibre helps strengthen the speed and efficiency of medicinal treatment and may help prevent reinfestation.


Probiotics are "good" bacteria that maintain the status quo inside your intestinal tract. Probiotics are a natural protection against harmful organisms like pinworms. Plain non-fat yoghurt is the best source of probiotics in food. You can purchase probiotic supplements from some grocery stores and most health food stores.

  • Probiotics are "good" bacteria that maintain the status quo inside your intestinal tract.
  • Probiotics are a natural protection against harmful organisms like pinworms.


Garlic can also help fight pinworm infestations. Mash up a garlic clove and mix it with honey to improve taste. Consume this mixture two to three times daily for up to three weeks. If you dislike the taste of garlic, simply swallow the clove of garlic whole, like a pill.

  • Garlic can also help fight pinworm infestations.
  • Mash up a garlic clove and mix it with honey to improve taste.

Seed Remedies

Grapefruit seed and pumpkin seed remedies can help expel pinworms from your system. Add 5 to 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract to a glass of water once a day to utilise this remedy. Pumpkin seeds can be eaten whole or ground up and mixed with honey and water.


Foods to Avoid

Pinworms thrive on sugar and refined carbohydrates. If you're trying to get rid of a pinworm infestation, eliminate foods high in sugar and refined carbs from your diet until the infestation ends. Foods that fall into these categories include white flour, white sugar, soda and some cereals.