Rubber ducks are very popular as a theme for a baby shower or a young child's birthday party. Although there are craft kits with a white rubber duck available for kids to decorate, as well as ducks that are already decorated for adults, it is much cheaper to purchase a plain yellow rubber duck and decorate it yourself with your own craft supplies. The result is a more personalised rubber duck that appears to have its own personality.

Paint your rubber duck. Acrylic paints can be used to change the entire colour of your duck, or just to add some of your favourite symbols (like a peace sign) to the side, front or back of your duck. Wait for the paint to dry before adding any more decorations.

  • Rubber ducks are very popular as a theme for a baby shower or a young child's birthday party.
  • Acrylic paints can be used to change the entire colour of your duck, or just to add some of your favourite symbols (like a peace sign) to the side, front or back of your duck.

Glue jewellery on your duck if you want to make the duck a female. Little fake gems and rhinestones can be placed around the duck's neck to resemble a necklace or on the sides of the duck's head to represent earrings.

Create an outfit for your duck out of magazine pages. Cut the magazine pages to fit over your duck and attach them with a combination glue/sealer/finish. You can cut out a cape to make your duck a super hero or a tie to create a businessman type look. Cover the top of the magazine clippings with combination glue/sealer/finish after attaching the bottoms.

  • Create an outfit for your duck out of magazine pages.
  • Cut the magazine pages to fit over your duck and attach them with a combination glue/sealer/finish.

Add sparkle to your rubber duck by placing dots of glue in various places on your rubber duck. Sprinkle glitter over the glue and set the duck aside until the glue dries. Shake excess glitter off over a dustbin.

Attach any other craft supplies that you may have on hand to give your duck the decorative look you desire. You can use pom-poms, pipe cleaners, construction paper and stickers. You can place the items randomly or create a pattern with them.


If you are decorating your rubber duck for a holiday, consider painting a symbol that represents that holiday on the duck. For example, a candy cane on Christmas, a shamrock on St. Patrick's Day or a basket of dyed eggs on Easter. You can substitute felt for the magazine clippings, if necessary.