Unlike clothes and shoes, whose manufacturers understand that people come in different sizes, stroller companies seem to assume that one-size-fits-all will work for everyone. However, if you are tall and have tried pushing the average stroller, you undoubtedly have noticed that you have to bend over in an uncomfortable position to reach the handles. Umbrella strollers -- thin, lightweight strollers made for travelling -- are the worst of the bunch for tall people, but some companies rate better than others.


What to Buy

According to TallBabyStuff.com, a company that tests brands of baby gear to see which are the best for tall people, the Chicco umbrella stroller won hands down. Of all the types of strollers, the umbrella stroller in general is the worst for tall people because of the simplicity with which they are made. To keep them light and easy to carry, umbrella strollers come with no or very little extras, such as adjustable handles. This means that if you are very short or very tall, you are going to have to accept whatever height the company chose. The Chicco brand umbrella stroller has a slightly higher handle on all of its models than most other brands, making it the No. 1 choice for tall parents.

  • According to TallBabyStuff.com, a company that tests brands of baby gear to see which are the best for tall people, the Chicco umbrella stroller won hands down.
  • To keep them light and easy to carry, umbrella strollers come with no or very little extras, such as adjustable handles.

What Else to Buy

The Maclaren Daytripper is another choice that tall parents found more comfortable than the average umbrella stroller. According to the Berkeley Parents Network, the Daytripper not only has handles that are easy to reach, but the basket did not get in the way of tall parents' long legs while they walked.


What Not to Buy

Certain brands of umbrella stroller are noticeably lower than the average brand, so these are definitely strollers that tall parents should avoid. The Bugaboo, EvenFlo, Peg Perego Piko 3 and MaxiCo Foray all have handles that are too low for a tall person to comfortably reach.


Another Option

If you have your heart set on one of the strollers listed in the "What Not to Buy" section or you've found that even the Chicco is not tall enough for you, you can purchase handle extensions. These extensions can be found online at TheRightStart.com and are relatively cheap. They come in packs of two so that you can attach one to each handle, and they easily clip on to the existing handle. The downside to these extensions is that they come in the form of a long bar, which is not adjustable, so they can be bulky to store if not in use. Also, some of these extensions are not able to push as much weight as the stroller itself can.

  • If you have your heart set on one of the strollers listed in the "What Not to Buy" section or you've found that even the Chicco is not tall enough for you, you can purchase handle extensions.
  • The downside to these extensions is that they come in the form of a long bar, which is not adjustable, so they can be bulky to store if not in use.