"School Mate 2" is a Japanese video game where you take the role of a woman trying to make herself the most popular person in school. You can do this by helping out other students and performing favours for other characters. However, the game occasionally may not run as well as you might like, causing lag or resulting in downgraded game play. You can improve game play by disabling some of the unnecessary features of the game.
- "School Mate 2" is a Japanese video game where you take the role of a woman trying to make herself the most popular person in school.
- You can improve game play by disabling some of the unnecessary features of the game.
Open "School Mate 2."
Click on the "Options" button.
Click on "Sound."
Click on "Disable" next to "Ambient Sounds," "Background Music" and "Sound Effects."
Click "Back."
Click on "Graphics."
Click on "Disable" on the "Advanced Shading" feature of the options. Disabling these features will allow the game to run better.