Your Garmin Zumo portable global positioning device is designed to stand up to the elements while mounted to your motorcycle. Along with navigation options, the Zumo includes various bonus features, such as Bluetooth syncing with your phone or the ability to transfer MP3s to the device's internal storage. After loading songs to the Zumo, you can play your favourite tracks through the device's external speakers.

  • Your Garmin Zumo portable global positioning device is designed to stand up to the elements while mounted to your motorcycle.
  • After loading songs to the Zumo, you can play your favourite tracks through the device's external speakers.

Connect the Zumo to your computer using the device's provided USB cable.

Click "Start" and click "Computer." A list of your computer's drives pops up. The Zumo's internal storage appears in the "Devices With Removable Storage" section.

Double-click the "Garmin Zumo" listing. The Zumo's folders appear.

Double-click "MP3."

Open a new folder containing your computer's MP3 files. Your music files are located in "Music" by default.

Hold down "Ctrl" and click each MP3 you wish to transfer to your Zumo. Release "Ctrl."

  • Double-click the "Garmin Zumo" listing.
  • Hold down "Ctrl" and click each MP3 you wish to transfer to your Zumo.

Right-click one of the MP3s and click "Copy." The songs can take a few seconds to copy depending on how many you have highlighted.

Right-click an empty area of your Zumo's "MP3" folder and click "Paste." The MP3s copy to the Zumo's "MP3" folder.

Click the back arrow button on the top-left corner of the "MP3" folder two times to reach the "Computer" folder.

Right-click the "Garmin Zumo" drive and click "Eject."


Click "Start" and "Music" to view your computer's "Music" folder. If you are unsure what type of music files you own, you can right-click a song and select "Properties." Click the "General" tab and view the "Type of file" line. The Zumo 400, 500, 660 and 665 include MP3 playback.