"Garry's Mod," also known as GMod, is a sandbox game that allows users to create various structures and objects with the components contained in the Half-Life 2 engine. The game doesn't have an outright objective, so gamers are free to experiment with thousands of combinations as they act as engineers. The flexibility of the gameplay causes many gamers to crave for immortality, which is known as God Mode in the game.
- "Garry's Mod," also known as GMod, is a sandbox game that allows users to create various structures and objects with the components contained in the Half-Life 2 engine.
Enter a single-player or private match of "Garry's Mod." Players can use cheat codes only in these two modes.
Press "~" to open the game's console.
Type "sv_cheats 1" without the quotation marks to activate cheat code used in the game. Press "Enter" to input the line of text.
Type "god" without quotation marks to activate God Mode in the game. To deactivate the mode, type the same phrase again.