Apple's iCal can export a calendar, but only in ICS format, which is a multi-platform calendar format used by Google Calendar and Mozilla Sunbird as well as iCal. Sometimes you need to convert iCal data to a comma-separated values file to perform time-sheet calculations or to render the data importable by a calendar program that can't handle the ICS format. To convert an ICS file into a CSV file, you need to use a third-party tool.

Download "" from the FelixChenier ( website.

Double-click on the downloaded "" file to expand it into "ICS2CSV.dmg."

Double-click on "ICS2CSV.dmg" to mount the ICS2CSV disk image. Double-click on the disk image to open it. The only file in the disk image is "ics2csv.command."

  • Apple's iCal can export a calendar, but only in ICS format, which is a multi-platform calendar format used by Google Calendar and Mozilla Sunbird as well as iCal.
  • Double-click on "ICS2CSV.dmg" to mount the ICS2CSV disk image.

Double-click on "ics2csv.command." This file is a script that will automatically open the Terminal application, search your hard drive for iCal calendars and convert them into CSV files. You will find the CSV files in your user directory.

  • Double-click on "ics2csv.command."
  • This file is a script that will automatically open the Terminal application, search your hard drive for iCal calendars and convert them into CSV files.

Download Mozilla Sunbird ( and double-click on it to expand the disk image. You don't have to install Sunbird; you can run it right from the application found in the disk image.

Open iCal. Click on the "File" menu, then on "Export..." and then on the "Export..." that appears in the sub-menu. Name your file and select where to locate it. ICal will create an ICS file.

Open Sunbird. Click "Import..." in the "File" menu. Find the ICS file and click the "Open" button. Sunbird will import the ICS file.

Click "Export Calendar..." in Sunbird's "File" menu. Name the file to be exported and select where you want to create it. In the "Save As" drop-down menu, click "Outlook Comma Separated Values (*.csv)" and click the "Save" button to save your calendar as a CSV file.