Not many shoes are more comfortable than a broken in pair of Converse sneakers. Although the sneakers tend to be immediately comfortable, sometimes it is preferable to have the shoes appear a bit older than they actually are. Nothing special needs to be purchased to make Converses look old; there are a few tricks that can be done around the house to age the sneakers. Sometimes all you need is a night of inclement weather to get just the right look for your Converses.
- Not many shoes are more comfortable than a broken in pair of Converse sneakers.
- Nothing special needs to be purchased to make Converses look old; there are a few tricks that can be done around the house to age the sneakers.

Run the sneakers through the washing machine four to five times.

Place the wet shoes outdoors for two days. Between temperature changes, sunshine or possible rain, the fabric will wear.

Wear the shoes through puddles or any outdoor mess. Walking them through mud or rocky terrain will wear the fabric even more.

Throw the Converses against an outdoor wall, preferably high so the shoes can later drop to the ground.

Take a key and rub the sharper edges against one part of the fabric to create a hole or just wear through the fabric. Use sandpaper to distress the fabric.
Once you have worn through your Converses completely, consider donating the shoes to Converse's ReUSE a Shoe program. In the program, Converse and Nike work together to reuse the rubber to create running tracks and basketball courts for schools.