The NordicTrack CTX 4000 is an in-home exerciser that mixes strength movements with a cardio workout. It resembles an exercise bike, but the handles and pedals move. You perform pressing and pulling movements with your arms and legs for a full-body workout. The upper body motion includes a horizontal and vertical phase. The NordicTrack CTX 4000 offers 10 levels of resistance for the pull and press motions so you can adjust the intensity of your workout.

Kneel next to the seat and turn the locking pin, found under the seat, counterclockwise. Pull the pin down to disengage it. Move the seat forward or back to the desired position. Release the pin and turn it clockwise to lock the seat in place.

  • The NordicTrack CTX 4000 is an in-home exerciser that mixes strength movements with a cardio workout.
  • Release the pin and turn it clockwise to lock the seat in place.

Kneel near the front right side of the exerciser. With your left hand, hold up the seat. With your right hand, turn the resistance knob counterclockwise. Lift the seat and slide the knob to the desired resistance setting. Release the knob, making sure it slides into the hold. Turn the knob clockwise to tighten it.

  • Kneel near the front right side of the exerciser.
  • With your right hand, turn the resistance knob counterclockwise.

Sit on the exerciser. Place your feet on the pedals and grab the handles with an overhand grip.

Press your feet forward and pull the handles back to your chest then press the handles overhead.

Pull the handles back down to your shoulders. Press the handles out, extending your arms while simultaneously pulling with your feet.


Personalise your workout by only doing the movements you want. You can do just upper or just lower body movements. You can also do only the horizontal or the vertical part of the upper body motion. Start with a low resistance and gradually increase the resistance as you become stronger.


Consult your physician before starting any exercise program.