Unlike most countries around the world that use the 365 day, January-to-December Gregorian calendar, Ethiopia employs its own calendar with unique months. Based on the ancient Coptic calendar, the Ethiopian year begins on the 11th or 12th of September in the Julian calendar and continues through 13 months until the next new year. Converting an Ethiopian date to the Gregorian calendar is easiest using an online conversion tool.
- Unlike most countries around the world that use the 365 day, January-to-December Gregorian calendar, Ethiopia employs its own calendar with unique months.
- Converting an Ethiopian date to the Gregorian calendar is easiest using an online conversion tool.
Go to Gebeya.net (see Resources) and enter the day, month and year of your Ethiopian date in the boxes. Click the "To Gregorian" check box and then press "Convert." The Ethiopian date is converted to the Gregorian calendar and displayed in the boxes below the "Convert" button. Make sure you use the DD/MM/YYYY format when entering your Ethiopian date.
Visit the Funaba.org calendar conversion website (see Resources). Enter the Ethiopian date you want converted in a YYYY-MM-DD format, making sure you include the hyphens. Select "Ethiopian" from the "From" drop-down menu and "Gregorian (New Style)" from the "To" menu. Click "Convert." The Ethiopian date appears in Gregorian form at the bottom of the screen.
Convert today's date from Ethiopian to Gregorian by visiting Isotropic.org (see Resources.) Today's date in Gregorian is shown at the top of the list with dates in other world calendars below. The current Ethiopian date is listed so you can be sure the conversion is using the correct start date.
- Visit the Funaba.org calendar conversion website (see Resources).
- Convert today's date from Ethiopian to Gregorian by visiting Isotropic.org (see Resources.)