When a flea infestation becomes rampant in the house the tiny insects can often be found everywhere. Though flea eggs are usually laid and hatched in carpet, upholstery or curtain fibres, the insects and their larvae can be found everywhere. Linoleum floors are not exempt from flea infestations. Proper cleaning, care and flea-repelling supplies effectively get rid of fleas on your linoleum floor. This action is important to preventing the pests from infesting surrounding areas of the home.
- When a flea infestation becomes rampant in the house the tiny insects can often be found everywhere.
- Proper cleaning, care and flea-repelling supplies effectively get rid of fleas on your linoleum floor.

Vacuum the linoleum floor to remove fleas, larvae and any eggs that have made their way to the flooring. Discard the vacuum bag after vacuuming to ensure fleas don't wind up elsewhere.
Combine 1/2 gallon white vinegar with 1/2 gallon hot water in a bucket. Dip a mop in the diluted vinegar solution and wring out as much liquid as possible. Mop the linoleum floor to clean the surface and repel fleas with the scent of vinegar.
Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of the linoleum floor and anywhere else fleas have been seen. This fine powder kills fleas but is nontoxic to pets and children.
Plug in nightlights in each outlet in the room. Set a shallow bowl of water below each night light and add a squirt of dishwashing detergent. Fleas will be attracted to the light, fly down toward the water and drown in the weight of the soap water.
- Combine 1/2 gallon white vinegar with 1/2 gallon hot water in a bucket.
- Set a shallow bowl of water below each night light and add a squirt of dishwashing detergent.
Boil 1 quart water and six lemon halves. Strain the lemon liquid into a spray bottle and spray it around the perimeter of the linoleum floor to repel fleas. This same spray can be used to spray your skin and the dog's fur to keep fleas away. Wash curtains, blankets, pet bedding and washable upholstery in the room with the linoleum floor. These surfaces are likely to harbour flea eggs, which can be killed in the wash cycle.