Taxi meters are installed in taxi cabs and limousines to calculate the rate of fare for the miles travelled. Meters are mounted on the dash, usually between the stereo and the passenger side of the dashboard so both the driver and passenger can see the meter at all times. Meters are now available with built in GPS and the ability to process credit card orders and print receipts. A taxi meter connects to the car's speed sensor/transducer with three wires coming out the back of the unit. The unit is mounted on a bracket that mounts to the dash and is held in place by screws.
- Taxi meters are installed in taxi cabs and limousines to calculate the rate of fare for the miles travelled.
- A taxi meter connects to the car's speed sensor/transducer with three wires coming out the back of the unit.
Locate the place on the dash for mounting taxi meter. This should be above the stereo or in the centre near the passenger side of the dashboard. Secure the mount to the dash attaching the screws with the flathead screw driver.
Raise the bonnet of the vehicle and locate the speed sensor on the firewall. Look for a grey wire with white stripes connection coming from the speed sensor or cruise control.
Attach the hot wire from the meter to a constant hot wire such as one from the fuse panel. Attach the ground wire to under dashboard on a good ground source. Run the pulse wire from the meter to the wire at the speed control. Wrap all exposed wires with electrical tape.
- Raise the bonnet of the vehicle and locate the speed sensor on the firewall.
- Run the pulse wire from the meter to the wire at the speed control.
Place meter in service after it has been calibrated and sealed by a official taxi meter service technician. Most states have regulations which require this to be done. It is then ready for hire.