Painting a bunk bed is an easy way to add colour or a theme to any child's bedroom. If you paint a bunk bed using water-based latex paint, it is very simple to add acrylic-painted details on top of the latex paint using a brush, sponge or stencil. Think of the bunk bed as a canvas and explore any artistic style or theme you wish.

Prepare the area around the bunk bed so paint does not get onto the floor, walls or anything else you do not want painted. Tape plastic on the floor, lamps and walls. Move the bunk bed to the centre of the room so you can easily reach all sides.

  • Painting a bunk bed is an easy way to add colour or a theme to any child's bedroom.
  • Move the bunk bed to the centre of the room so you can easily reach all sides.

Remove any features added to the bunk bed such as ladders, safety rails and drawer knobs.

Sand the bunk bed to make sure it is smooth. Start with 180 grade sand paper and then sand it again with 220 grit sandpaper.

Mix 1 cup of your colour paint into the primer paint and mix it well. This will tint the primer colour so your final colour goes on easier. Sometimes tinting a primer colour will allow you the advantage of only using one coat of paint.

  • Sand the bunk bed to make sure it is smooth.
  • Sometimes tinting a primer colour will allow you the advantage of only using one coat of paint.

Use your brushes to paint on the tinted primer coat in smooth, even strokes. If the primer is too thick and creates thick streaks, add a small amount of water and stir well until the desired consistency is achieved.

Allow the primer coat to dry completely. Open windows and turn on a fan to help the drying time.

Open the colour latex paint. Check the consistency and add a small amount of water if necessary. Paint it on top of the primer paint in smooth, even strokes until the entire bunk bed is painted. Let it dry.

Paint a second coat of paint onto the bunk bed if necessary. Allow to dry.

  • Allow the primer coat to dry completely.
  • Paint a second coat of paint onto the bunk bed if necessary.

Add any designs you wish using acrylic paint. You can freehand designs, purchase stencils or use sponges to create the perfect decorative addition to your child's room.

Replace any features you removed from the bunk bed.


Wash your brushes with soap and water before the paint dries on them so they can be used again.