The Guess brand is a line that produces clothing for men, women and kids, as well as accessories such as watches, belts and handbags. If you think you may have a counterfeit Guess item, there are several steps you can take to determine whether your article of clothing or accessory is fake or real. Paying attention to the quality of the item, the labelling and the manufacturer's product line will help you separate the real from the fake.
Read the manufacturer's tag on the item and get the product number or name. Visit the Guess website and do a search for the item to ensure it is catalogued as part of the Guess line (see Resources).
Examine the quality of the item. Guess products are generally well-crafted and shouldn't have frayed seams or cheap-looking faux leather. Also, the stitches on the item should be tightly sewn; poor stitching is a sign of a fake Guess product.
- The Guess brand is a line that produces clothing for men, women and kids, as well as accessories such as watches, belts and handbags.
- Also, the stitches on the item should be tightly sewn; poor stitching is a sign of a fake Guess product.
Look inside the item if it is a handbag. All Guess handbags have a fabric lining. The bag also must have an official Guess logo on the outside as well as on the zipper.
Look at the tag if the item is an article of clothing. The trademarked Guess logo with a triangle around it should be found on the tag.