The Accenta G3 House Alarm requires user codes to set and unset fire and intrusion alarms. Each code is four digits long and can be set with any number from 0000 to 9999. User code "1" has the authority to change, add or delete the "User 2," "Engineer" and "Duress" codes. User code "1" and "2" are used to set and unset alarms. The "Engineer" code can be used to reset the system after an alarm, but it does not set or unset the system. You can easily change a four-digit code -- sometimes called a PIN number -- on your Accenta G3 alarm.

  • The Accenta G3 House Alarm requires user codes to set and unset fire and intrusion alarms.
  • The "Engineer" code can be used to reset the system after an alarm, but it does not set or unset the system.

Press the "Prog" button on the Accenta G3 House Alarm panel.

Press the number buttons for the current User 1 four-digit code, and then press "8." Press "1" to change User code "1," press "2" to change User code "2," press "3" to change the "Duress" code or press "4" to change the "Engineer" code. The "Duress" code is used when someone forces you to set or unset the system, and it sends a silent alarm to the authorities.

Press the number buttons to enter a new four-digit code, and then press the "Reset" button twice.


The default "Engineer" code is "9999," while the default code for "User 1" is "0123." "User code 2" and the "Duress" code are not programmed at the factory.