Jerusalem artichokes, also called sunchokes, bear no resemblance to the prickly green items more commonly known as artichokes. Instead, these tubers, which grow underground, look more like ginger; they're lumpy and generally have several knobs branching off. Their delicate and subtly sweet taste makes them ideal for many recipes. Include Jerusalem artichokes in soups, mash them with (or instead of) potatoes, or slice and sauté them to serve with your favourite toppings. If you cannot use your Jerusalem artichokes immediately, freeze them for later use.
- Jerusalem artichokes, also called sunchokes, bear no resemblance to the prickly green items more commonly known as artichokes.
- Include Jerusalem artichokes in soups, mash them with (or instead of) potatoes, or slice and sauté them to serve with your favourite toppings.
Put plenty of cold water and a few handfuls of ice cubs into a bowl large enough to hold the water, ice and all of your Jerusalem artichokes.
Pour several inches of water into a large pot or deep saucepan and bring the water to a boil.
Scrub your Jerusalem artichokes thoroughly while waiting for the water to boil. Thanks to the knobs, these vegetables often have hidden or difficult-to-reach patches of dirt, so a thorough scrubbing is necessary. For an easier time, break off the knobs and scrub them separately. This will allow you to reach the dirt that was previously hidden around the base of each knob.
- Scrub your Jerusalem artichokes thoroughly while waiting for the water to boil.
- Thanks to the knobs, these vegetables often have hidden or difficult-to-reach patches of dirt, so a thorough scrubbing is necessary.
Cut your Jerusalem artichokes into chunks or thick slices. Aim for a fairly uniform size amongst the pieces---but don't worry too much if a few chunks or slices are bigger or smaller than the rest. Smaller knobs may be left whole.
Place your sliced or chunked Jerusalem artichokes into the pot of boiling water and put on the lid. Boil the Jerusalem artichokes for 3 to 5 minutes or until just tender.
Remove the Jerusalem artichoke chunks or slices from the boiling water and plunge them into the bowl of ice water. Leave them in the ice water until they have completely cooled, then remove and allow them to drain until they are fairly dry.
- Place your sliced or chunked Jerusalem artichokes into the pot of boiling water and put on the lid.
- Remove the Jerusalem artichoke chunks or slices from the boiling water and plunge them into the bowl of ice water.
Place the Jerusalem artichoke chunks or slices into freezer-safe containers. The less air the better, so if you are using hard plastic containers, fill them as full as possible. If you are using plastic freezer bags, seal them most of the way then squeeze to remove the rest of the air before sealing the final inch or so.
Put the freezer-safe containers full of Jerusalem artichokes into your freezer.