Wallpaper can dramatically transform the appearance of any room, adding character and interest to your walls. Wallpapering a wall takes a little patience and preparation. Design patterns on the wallpaper need to be lined up perfectly for a flawless, professional look. However, rooms with unusually shaped entryways, such as archways, can pose a challenge.
Hang strips of wallpaper around and above the archway. Leave excess wall paper hanging from above the archway and on the sides of the archway. Cut the excess paper, leaving only 5 cm (2 inches) on the sides and above the archway. Wrap the extra paper to the inside of the archway and smooth the paper down to avoid air bubbles.
- Wallpaper can dramatically transform the appearance of any room, adding character and interest to your walls.
- Cut the excess paper, leaving only 5 cm (2 inches) on the sides and above the archway.
Use scissors or utility shears to make small wedge-shaped clips on the 5 cm (2 inches) of paper hanging over the archway. Wrap the paper to the inside of the arch and smooth it with your hands. Make sure that there are no air bubbles in the paper.
Measure the height and width of the archway using a tape measure.
Cover the inside of the arch. Place one sheet of wallpaper on top of another sheet that matches the design pattern. Cut down the two sheets, making two strips that are equal to the height and width of the archway. Hang the two strips of wall paper on the sides of the arch and smooth them out.
- Use scissors or utility shears to make small wedge-shaped clips on the 5 cm (2 inches) of paper hanging over the archway.
- Hang the two strips of wall paper on the sides of the arch and smooth them out.
Measure the length of the curved arch and cut a strip of wall paper 6 mm (1/4 inch) narrower than the arch depth and 2.5 cm (1 inch) longer than the length. Try to line up the matching pattern and apply the strip to the top curve of the arch, smoothing as you go. Try to align the patterns on the wallpaper where they overlap.