If you have only the address of a person or organisation you are trying to call, there are resources available to help you find the phone number. Online reverse address directories are quick and easy to use. Know, however, that if a phone number is unlisted, you will pay a fee to a reverse lookup service that provides unpublished phone numbers. Free reverse phone number directories use published phone numbers in their databases.

  • If you have only the address of a person or organisation you are trying to call, there are resources available to help you find the phone number.
  • Know, however, that if a phone number is unlisted, you will pay a fee to a reverse lookup service that provides unpublished phone numbers.

Visit an online reverse address lookup service. Some of them include White Pages and 411.com. Most of these services are free, although there are some that require you to pay a fee for the service if the number you are looking for is unlisted. Intelius and People Finders are two reverse address lookup services that require fees. The regular fee for People Finders, for example, is £3.20, in 2010.

Input the address into the search box of the reverse lookup website. Press "Enter" or click "Search." The website will produce a phone number (or perhaps more than one) that matches the address you provided. Another option is to search for the phone number in a search engine, and choose a reverse lookup service from the list generated.

On the report that comes up from the search engine find the name of the person, business or organisation you are looking for. You may have to call a few numbers from the report to find the most up-to-date phone number.


If a phone number is a cell phone, you may not be able to find it with a reverse lookup service that is dedicated to landlines. There are services that will help you find the phone number of a business or person that only uses a cell phone, but you will likely have to pay a fee for the information. You can use print or online directories such as association or club directories that will list the phone number with the name and address. If you have the personal or business name, try to look it up in the yellow or white pages to find the phone number.