To locate the address of a person in the United Kingdom, you can use a telephone number to perform a reverse telephone number search. There are plenty of reverse telephone number search directories on the internet that specialise in UK numbers. Unfortunately, none of them is free. You must pay to get detailed information, including the name and the address of the phone number's owner.
- To locate the address of a person in the United Kingdom, you can use a telephone number to perform a reverse telephone number search.
Visit an online directory that offers reverse lookups of UK telephone numbers (see Resources).
Enter the UK telephone number in the proper field. Separate the number by spaces instead of dashes (e.g., 0132 534628).
Click on "Submit" or "Search." If the phone number is available in the directory's database, it will show you the message "Available." Click "Next" to proceed.
Enter your payment details (credit card or PayPal information) to get access to the address of the phone number's owner. After you submit the payment, you will see the search results.