There are open-ended writing opportunities in the greeting card business. Greeting card companies look for new people with fresh ideas to keep up with market trends. Most major companies do not use material from freelance writers because they have their own creative writers. But, there are smaller firms always looking for good material from freelance writers.
Identify through an Internet search which greeting card companies accept work from freelance writers. Most companies looking for contributors usually indicate so on their websites. Make sure you read all the terms and conditions before you choose where to submit your work. Each company has submission guidelines that you need to follow. After you evaluate the information you gather, contact the companies you think most likely to accept your work.
- There are open-ended writing opportunities in the greeting card business.
- Most companies looking for contributors usually indicate so on their websites.
Understanding the trends in the card industry before you pitch your writing is critical. Your success hinges on creating good material. Payment, usually £32 to £97 depending on the company, hinges on how much of your work is accepted. When your first work is accepted, find out if you can sign a royalty agreement. That way you will continue making money long after you submit the work.
Keep up with the seasons if your work is to remain relevant. Greeting card companies make more money during seasons such as Christmas or Valentines. Understand that your contribution most likely will not remain generic although non-seasonal greeting cards are needed. Birthday, get well, friendship, sympathy, romance and inspirational themes sell throughout the year.
- Understanding the trends in the card industry before you pitch your writing is critical.
- Keep up with the seasons if your work is to remain relevant.
Your writing should be tight. The space on a greeting card is limited. You need to make sure you communicate effectively in few words. The buyer must be able to relate to the contents of a greeting card. Most companies are looking for humorous material that conveys its intended message precisely and effectively.
If you understand all these factors, submitting your ideas should not be a problem. Some companies accept submissions by e-mail. Others want you to send by post. The contact guidelines usually also are on the websites of the greeting card companies. If you are submitting by post, make sure you include a self-addressed stamped envelope, and, again, submit your contribution in a batch.
- Your writing should be tight.
- If you are submitting by post, make sure you include a self-addressed stamped envelope, and, again, submit your contribution in a batch.
For most freelance writers, this is a way of making extra cash. But it is possible to become prolific if you are gifted enough to turn this into a full-time profession.
It is not easy to break into the industry. It is frustrating if no one accepts your work for a long period of time. You need to study the intricacies of the greeting card industry. If you still fail to sell your work, it is time to consider something else.