Your wallpaper does not need to be stationary. By exploring some of the display options of your computer, you can make a wallpaper that contains "active" elements (elements that can move around inside of your wallpaper). For example, you can create a wallpaper for your desktop that has scrolling text running across the top of the screen continuously, giving you a unique, non-stationary desktop.

  • Your wallpaper does not need to be stationary.
  • By exploring some of the display options of your computer, you can make a wallpaper that contains "active" elements (elements that can move around inside of your wallpaper).

Open Notepad and go to "Start," "Programs," "Notepad." This is where you will be writing your HTML code here.

Type the following HTML code to create your scrolling animation:

Scrolling Text for my Desktop Background -- WOW!

Go to "File," "Save as," type "ScrollingWallpaper.html" in the filename textbox, navigate to a folder you'll remember and click "Save."

Right-click on a section of your desktop and click "Properties" to open the "Display Properties" window.

Under the "Desktop" tab, click the "Browse..." button and navigate to the folder that you saved your html file. Select the file "ScrollingWallpaper.html" and click "Open." Then click "OK" to load your wallpaper. You will see text scrolling at the top of your screen.


In Step 2, you can change the text within the <STRONG> tags to customise the animation. You can also change the colours of the animation by looking up the color's HEX value and pasting it next to "<FONT colour=."