If you have a bin file that you'd like to load onto your PSP, chances are you'll first have to convert it to a more acceptable format. By default, the PSP reads CSO files. This guide will explain how you can perform this conversion.
Download BIN2ISO from http://www.weethet.nl/english/cdrw_bintoiso.php
Open the downloaded zip file and find BIN2ISO.exe. Double-click on "BIN2ISO.exe" to open it.
Click the folder icon next to "Open in" and select your bin file. Click the folder icon next to "Save in" and select your desktop. Click "Process." This will turn your bin file into an ISO file on your desktop.
- If you have a bin file that you'd like to load onto your PSP, chances are you'll first have to convert it to a more acceptable format.
- Click the folder icon next to "Open in" and select your bin file.
Go to http://umdgen.ps3news.com/ and click "Utilities." Download the latest version of PSP UMDGen. Open the zip file you downloaded and double-click "UMDGen.exe."
In UMDGen, click the "Batch Image Converter" tab and drag the ISO file from your desktop into the drop area.
Select "CSO" in the "Convert to:" area below the drop box.
Click "Start Batch Conversion."