Gucci is one of the most famous and respected brands on the international fashion circuit. Due to its incredible popularity and fame, many counterfeit sellers attempt to sell fake Gucci products at knockdown prices to make a pretty profit. However, if you know the obvious signs and signals of a fake, you can avoid buying Gucci silver that may break, deteriorate and disappoint.
- Gucci is one of the most famous and respected brands on the international fashion circuit.
- However, if you know the obvious signs and signals of a fake, you can avoid buying Gucci silver that may break, deteriorate and disappoint.
Check the price. One of the most obvious signs of fake Gucci silver is the amount that it is selling for. Do your pricing homework before you go to buy. For example, if a silver ring is selling for £130 on the official Gucci site and costs £26 in a store or at a market, then you should avoid it at all costs. If you are even suspicious that a piece of Gucci silver is priced too low (or even too high) then you should avoid purchasing it.
Assess the store or market stall. There are certain places and people in the world that are more likely to sell counterfeit products than others. Foreign countries in the Far East, for example, have famous counterfeit markets and lax laws on prosecuting them. Similarly, a seller that is continuously moving around, selling from a suitcase and acting in a suspicious way is likely to be selling counterfeit silver.
A store that has professional-looking staff, other customers and a variety of high-street brands is more likely to sell genuine Gucci silver.
- Assess the store or market stall.
- A store that has professional-looking staff, other customers and a variety of high-street brands is more likely to sell genuine Gucci silver.
Read and check the Gucci logo. Counterfeit products (Gucci silver included) is notorious for being spelt and designed incorrectly. The silver may have been made in a foreign country where the spelling is unfamiliar or it could be that the seller is avoiding copyright infringement by pressing the silver with a slightly altered logo.
For example, if the silver has the Gucci engraving spelt “Guci” or “Gguci” then it is a fake. Similarly, the Gucci logo is represented by two overlapping and facing G’s; if the logo on the silver is in any way different then it is a fake. See the Resources section for a link to the official Gucci logo image.
- For example, if the silver has the Gucci engraving spelt “Guci” or “Gguci” then it is a fake.
- Similarly, the Gucci logo is represented by two overlapping and facing G’s; if the logo on the silver is in any way different then it is a fake.
Ask the seller where the silver was crafted. Similarly, you may be able to find the “Made in…” engraving on certain pieces of silver or on the gift box. The Gucci website itself asserts that all Gucci silver is made in Italy except for timepieces, which are made in Switzerland. If the piece has been engraved or created in any other country, then it is fake piece of Gucci silver.