Clean cast-iron pan supports every time you clean the range top. Pan supports are soiled by splatters, spills or cooking grease nearly every time the stove gets used. Accumulated food and grease is unsightly, and it presents a fire hazard near gas burners. The cast iron on a pan support is coated with a finish that requires different cleaning than cast iron cookware. Clean cast-iron pan supports for a safe and spotless hob.
- Clean cast-iron pan supports every time you clean the range top.

Lift the pan supports off the stove. Stack them sideways in the kitchen sink. Wet thoroughly with hot water, rinsing away grease and food debris.

Scrub the supports. Wet a nylon scrubber under hot water. Squeeze dish soap over it. Pinch the scrubber around every surface of the supports and frame. Rub back and forth.
Clean tough stains with powdered cleanser. Shake cleanser directly onto stained portions of the supports that do not come clean with dish soap. Rub the cleanser over the stain with a nylon scrubber.
- Wet a nylon scrubber under hot water.
- Rub the cleanser over the stain with a nylon scrubber.

Rinse and dry pan supports thoroughly. Inspect each one for complete cleanliness before returning it to the hob.
Replace pan supports when the finish chips or cracks.