Willow trees are known for their characteristic gloomy leaves and drooping branches. Willow trees are full of emotion and therefore excellent objects to paint, draw and capture in art. Drawing a willow tree is an expressive way to increase your illustration portfolio and to understand the basic visual structure of trees. A willow tree can be drawn by separating its parts into basic geometric shapes and lines so that you can layer details onto and completed framework.

Draw a vertical line going up and branching out diagonally to the left, centre right and right hand side. Add another split in the centre right branch.

Add another branch to the left branch. Have this one go up straight and slightly to the left. Split the main branch into smaller branches by drawing diagonal lines. Add side branches to the right hand side tree branch in the same manner.
- Willow trees are known for their characteristic gloomy leaves and drooping branches.
- Split the main branch into smaller branches by drawing diagonal lines.

Draw the guidelines for the droopy willow leaves by drawing ovals with curved lines dripping down out of these shapes.

Clean up the willow tree leaves by adding sharp triangular edges to the top and sides of the leaf clumps. Thicken the tree branches with parallel lines around each tree branch. Erase any tree branches that overlap into the leaves.
- Draw the guidelines for the droopy willow leaves by drawing ovals with curved lines dripping down out of these shapes.
- Clean up the willow tree leaves by adding sharp triangular edges to the top and sides of the leaf clumps.

Add texture to the willow leaves with curved lines that match the shape of each leaf cluster. Add small line curls in "c" and "u" shapes for more detail. Draw small vertical lines and dashes on the branches to create the impression of bark. Ink the entire drawing. Let the ink dry and carefully erase the pencil lines.
Look at trees in the distance and see if you can break them up into basic shapes. This will help you build trees on your page.