A surprisingly jarring event for a traveller going from Britain to America or vice versa is the first time he sits down in front of a keyboard. The two countries' keyboards are fundamentally the same. Both have a QWERTY layout, but they have a few differences.


Quotation Marks (")

On the U.S. keyboard, you make quotation marks by holding down the "Shift" plus the apostrophe key. On the U.K. keyboard, press "Shift" plus "2."

  • A surprisingly jarring event for a traveller going from Britain to America or vice versa is the first time he sits down in front of a keyboard.
  • On the U.S. keyboard, you make quotation marks by holding down the "Shift" plus the apostrophe key.

"At" symbol (@)

On the U.K. keyboard, click "Shift" plus the apostrophe to create the @ symbol. In the United States, press "Shift" plus "2."


Number Sign (#)

For the U.S. layout, the # symbol is created by pressing "Shift" plus "3." In the United Kingdom, it gets its own key altogether, which it shares with the tilde (~).


Pound Sign (£)

The U.K. keyboard has the pound sign as "Shift" plus "3." The U.S. keyboard does not even have the symbol.


Vertical Bar (|) and Backslash ()

On the U.S. keyboard, this key is found above the Enter key on the board's right side. On the U.K. keyboard, this key is next to the Shift key on the board's left side.