Dating a busy man can be hard on both parties. Although he has proven to you the sincerity of his feelings and shows that he wants to make you a priority, his career or interests keep him occupied and fulfills his need for success and prosperity. Many courtships with busy men don’t last because women feel neglected or demand too much time, resulting in spending precious time together arguing or sulking. To make your relationship with a busy man work you have to be flexible, independent and keep your love on his mind without distracting him from his important jobs.
- Dating a busy man can be hard on both parties.
- Although he has proven to you the sincerity of his feelings and shows that he wants to make you a priority, his career or interests keep him occupied and fulfills his need for success and prosperity.
Step 1

Be aware of his daily schedule, so you don’t interrupt meetings with your calls or texts. Since he wants to catch you when he can, he’ll be happy to give you a copy of his schedule.
Step 2

Listen to his needs. His career may take a lot of time, or perhaps it is his family or sports that require his attention. Find out what these activities mean to him and be supportive.
Step 3

Be flexible. Although you can’t be at his “beck and call” all the time, you can accept a spontaneous invitation to lunch or a late dinner when he is available as long as you don’t simply become a “booty-call.”
Step 4

Keep it short and sweet. Encourage him to touch base with you when he’s busy by sending him a very short “thinking of you” text when he is away. By doing this you stay on his mind and make him smile without creating drama.
Step 5

Be full of surprises. Romance is difficult for some in any circumstances, so go the extra mile for your busy man. Leave little love notes in his pants pockets, bring him his favorite carry-out during a late work evening or call him with a sexy invitation for a back rub after he helps his friends move.
Step 6

Be honest with your needs. Dating a busy man doesn’t work for every woman, so be honest with yourself and with him about how much attention you need. Let him know you appreciate the little calls and thoughtful things he does or end the relationship if it’s clear he doesn’t want to make time for you.
Have your own activities. Although being flexible is great, you also have to spend time with your friends and schedule events to enjoy on your own or with other friends. If you rely on your busy man for your socialization, you may feel resentful and left out.
Don’t be demanding. You know your man has limited time for you, so if you are sure you are indeed his one-and-only and that he desires to spend time with you, be willing to enjoy your time together without quarreling or changing the rules.