Becoming any sort of model—gay, straight or otherwise—takes a large amount of perseverance and dedication. While gay modelling is a type of niche modelling, breaking into it can be difficult. In order to become successful, you'll need a thick skin (rejection is more common than being accepted), a toned body and a portfolio.

Decide what type of gay model you would like to be. Gay model can have many connotations, so it is important to decide ahead of time if you are willing to pose naked or in sexual acts. You can also model for things such as print campaigns and clothing.

  • Becoming any sort of model—gay, straight or otherwise—takes a large amount of perseverance and dedication.
  • Gay model can have many connotations, so it is important to decide ahead of time if you are willing to pose naked or in sexual acts.

Find a local photographer who has a rapport with models and has taken pictures for them before. Browse the photographer's portfolio before you commit to your pictures.

Ask your photographer about companies that can print your photographs for you. Models will need a zed card, or a small "calling card" with a few poses and critical information such as your phone number, name, height and weight. Many photographers who work with models will have connections with companies that can give you a good deal on these sorts of cards.

Target an agent. Browse agents online (see Resources) and find out if they represent your type, or contact agents directly and ask if they represent gay models. Once you've found an agency or two you like, send them your zed card.

Meet with agents who ask for a visit and show them your portfolio. Be upfront about wanting to become a gay model. If an agency asks you to sign with it, peruse all legal documents carefully. Remember, legitimate agencies will never, ever ask for money upfront. If your agent requests that you redo your portfolio, he or she should give you a list of several photographers from whom to choose. If you're given only one, it is an obvious red flag.

  • Ask your photographer about companies that can print your photographs for you.
  • If an agency asks you to sign with it, peruse all legal documents carefully.

Go to as many go-sees and auditions as possible. Remember, rejection is the norm and you must develop a thick skin in order to succeed.


There is unfortunately no union for models. This makes it especially difficult to locate legitimate agencies. Agents typically take 10 to 15 per cent of your final paycheck after a job but never require money upfront.